Chilliwack Sea Cadets
Fun, Challenge, Friends
The History of Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps #349 CHILLIWACK
In September of 2004 under the direction of Lieutenant(Navy) Keith Nutbrown Chilliwack saw the return of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Program. As a satellite division of 169 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps COLUMBIA in Aldergrove the corps began. In January of 2005, 349 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps CHILLIWACK stood up on it's own and has grown ever since.
Chilliwack's First Instructors:
Lieutenant(Navy) Keith Nutbrown - Commanding Officer
Sub Lieutenant Barry Zuk - Executive and Training Officer
Civilian Instructor Nadine Nutbrown - Administration Officer
Civilian Instructor Daniel Brophy - Supply Officer
Chilliwack's Commanding Officers:
2005-2008: Lieutenant(Navy) Keith Nutbrown
2008-2009: Lieutenant(Navy) Barry Zuk
2009-2012: Lieutenant(Navy) Keith Nutbrown, CD
2012-2015: Lieutenant(Navy) Daniel Brophy
2015-2018 : Lieutenant(Navy) Keith Nutbrown, CD
2018-2022 : Lieutenant(Navy) Darrell Stewart, CD
2022-Present: Lieutenant (Navy) Christian Lesemann, CD
Chiliwack's Instructors:
Lt(N) Dan Brophy, CD (2004 to Present)
Lt(N) Darrell Stewart, CD (2015 to 2022)
Civilian Volunteer Ron Plitt (2016 to 2018)
A/SLt Matthew Benton (2017 to Present)
LT(N) Cathy Cartwright (2017 to 2020)
Civilian Volunteer Katherine McWilliams (2018 to 2019)
Civilian Volunteer Alex Diaz (2018 to 2019)
Lt(N) Keith Nutbrown, CD (2004 to 2018)
Lt Kathleen Brophy (2013 to 2016)
Lieutenant Amy Sommer (2016 to 2016)
Naval Cadet Brandon Allaby (2011 to 2015)
Civilian Instructor Nadine Nutbrown (2004 to 2013)
Lieutenant (Navy) Retired Terry Thomas (2005 to 2013)
Volunteer Instructor Luke White (2012 to 2013)
Volunteer Instructor Loretta Brophy (2010-2012)
Sub Lieutenant Ryan Kardal (2010 to 2011)
Naval Cadet JR Falzetta (2010 to 2011)
Lieutenant(Navy) Barry Zuk (2004 to 2009)
Naval Cadet Michael Neill (2006 to 2008)
Chief Warrant Officer Retired Robert Robertson (2006 to 2008)
Volunteer Instructor Mr. David Guertzen (2005 to 2007)
Chilliwack's Past Coxswain's:
2004-2005: CPO Matthew Kardashinski
2005-2007: CPO David Hoffart
####-####: CPO Brandon Allaby
####-####: CPO Luke White
####-####: CPO Derek Frank
####-####: CPO Gregory Judas
2012-2013: CPO Takoda Castonguay
2013-2013: CPO Braden Adams
2013-####: CPO Blake Taylor
####-2015: Katherine McWilliams
2015-2016: CPO Matthew White
2016-2017: CPO Garren Seabrook
2017-2018: CPO Cameron Baker
2018-2019: CPO Austin Park